Tax Planning

Put your audit in reverse to save sales and use tax

Use an audit to find savings It’s a safe bet that state tax authorities will let you know if you haven’t paid enough sales and use taxes, but what are the odds that you’ll be notified if you’ve paid too much? The chances are slim — so slim that many businesses use reverse audits to find overpayments so they can seek refunds. Take all of your exemptions In most states, … Read more

Tax penalty on individuals without health insurance

Now that Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal and replacement efforts appear to have collapsed, at least for the time being, it’s a good time for a refresher on the tax penalty the ACA imposes on individuals who fail to have “minimum essential” health insurance coverage for any month of the year. This requirement is commonly called the “individual mandate.” Penalty exemptions Before we review how the penalty is calculated, let’s … Read more

3 midyear tax planning strategies for individuals

In the quest to reduce your tax bill, year-end tax planning can only go so far. Tax-saving strategies take time to implement, so review your options now. Here are three strategies that can be more effective if you begin executing them midyear: 1. Consider your bracket The top income tax rate is 39.6% for taxpayers with taxable income over $418,400 (singles), $444,550 (heads of households) and $470,700 (married filing jointly; … Read more

3 midyear tax saving strategies for businesses

Tax Planning = Tax Saving Tax reform has been a major topic of discussion in Washington, but it’s still unclear exactly what such legislation will include and whether it will be signed into law this year. However, the last major tax legislation that was signed into law — back in December of 2015 — still has a significant impact on tax planning for businesses. Let’s look at three midyear tax strategies … Read more

Own a vacation home? How to save on taxes

Now that we’ve hit midsummer, if you own a vacation home that you both rent out and use personally, it’s a good time to review the potential tax consequences: If you rent it out for less than 15 days: You don’t have to report the income. But expenses associated with the rental (such as advertising and cleaning) won’t be deductible. If you rent it out for 15 days or more: … Read more

Summer is a good time to start your 2017 tax planning and organize your tax records

Why you should be tax planning now You may be tempted to forget all about taxes during summertime, when “the livin’ is easy,” as the Gershwin song goes. But if you start your tax planning now, you may avoid an unpleasant tax surprise when you file next year. Summer is also a good time to set up a storage system for your tax records. Here are some tips: Take action … Read more

Claiming a federal tax deduction for moving costs

Summer is a popular time to move, whether it’s so the kids don’t have to change schools mid-school-year, to avoid having to move in bad weather or simply because it can be an easier time to sell a home. Unfortunately, moving can be expensive. The good news is that you might be eligible for a federal tax deduction for your moving costs. Pass the tests The first requirement is that … Read more

Pay attention to the details when selling investments

Selling investments? The tax consequences of the sale of an investment, as well as your net return, can be affected by a variety of factors. You’ve probably focused on factors such as: how much you paid for the investment vs. how much you’re selling it for, whether you held the investment long-term (more than 1 year), and the tax rate that will apply But there are additional details you should … Read more