Litigation Support


As a specialty of our senior partner, CAPATA has been retained in many cases. We provide our clients with litigation services done to the highest standard. We serve as excellent strategic advisors on your particular concerns and provide expert testimony when required

Expert Witness Services

When litigation occurs, we have experienced accountants that can function as an expert witness. As qualified professionals, we can present an opinion to support or oppose evidence submitted to the court.

Litigation Support

Litigation support involves the quantification of economic damages pursuant to existing or pending litigation using accounting and auditing techniques. Our experienced accountants can compile information efficiently to assist in the calculation and documentation of any potential economic loss or damages.

Practice Areas: Tax and Business Disputes/Dissolution, Real Estate Related Cases, Insurance Claims, Expert Witness Testimony, Economic Damage Calculations, Civil Litigation, and more.

Case Studies

Palm Medical Group 

In Palm Medical, a medical clinic claimed it was wrongfully denied admission into a preferred provider network and sued the State Compensation Insurance Fund. With Gary’s expert testimony, the Court of Appeal upheld a lost profits award. Gary based the plaintiff’s lost profit estimate on the plaintiff’s own profit margin compared to other clinics that had participated in the preferred provider network that the plaintiff had been excluded from. This case would go on to be cited often in California Supreme Court Sargon Enterprises Inc. v. University of Southern California, 55 Cal. 4th 747 (2012).

Defendant vs. U.S. Government 

This was a very high profile case where Gary was retained. It was obvious that the judge had already decided the guilt of the defendant. In his three days of testimony, Gary went from the judge openly despising him and his client to listening how the government had actually entrapped the defendant and perjured themselves.

Marriage Dissolution (Petitioner)

 Gary had documentary evidence that the respondent (and his attorney) did not properly inquire about during deposition. Needless to say, upon testifying, the judge asked the parties to settle based on this evidence.

Mobile Home Rent Control

With Gary’s years of experience on the Laguna Niguel City Council and other civic duties, he is able to provide an accomplished perspective that few other accounting experts could boast of. In many mobile home park rental hearings, Gary was able to give sound assistance that benefited the owners of the mobile home park.