Fractional CFO


You will not always need a full-time Chief Financial Officer (CFO). A fractional CFO is typically onboarded when you find there are frustrations that the current accounting team does not either have the bandwidth to service or the skillset to tackle. Regardless if you have an in-house CFO or not, our CFOs are prepared to advise you and your team on a long-term, part-time, or project basis. Outsourcing a controller or CFO is a great way to see what tasks they do and understand the value they bring to your business. 

Our interim CFO will work with you to understand your goals and current frustrations. With over thirty years of experience in various industries, we come alongside to support your company and accounting team to implement strategic processes and improve accounting operations as a whole. Whether you want to sell, buy, or merge your business, our team works with you to ensure a successful outcome. 

Value/Profit Enhancement

By gathering internal data, understanding industry trends, and through benchmarking, our CFOs can help find new opportunities to increase the value of your business. They’ll work with your team to organize and close your bookkeeping records and implement new, effective strategies including: sales/pricing, removing unprofitable products/services, reviewing vendor negotiations and management, and more.

External Benchmarking

Doing an external comparison of your company with market leaders can identify valuable solutions to increase your profitability. By analyzing competitor financial practices, marketing, sales activities, risk, performance, research and development practices, etc., our CFOs can lead your team in implementing efficient business model changes. Having access to this data gives greater clarity when setting your business performance targets. You’ll be able to save time in knowing what next steps to take by using the information to drive team decision making.

Moving Forward

Our fractional CFO will collaborate with your team to complete specific projects such as cash flow issues or taking the lead in guiding a due diligence audit. By creating customized financial forecasts and preparing budgets, we will help your company analyze potential future productsservicesand markets. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, we will support you by ensuring you have the right systems/vendors in place, avoid financial mistakes, and have the financial capital you need to scale while building credibility with your bank and investors.