MY CPA Just Retired – Now What?

If you’ve invested any time building a solid relationship with your CPA and now they are becoming a retired CPA, the chances are that you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed when he or she moves on. Starting over with a new CPA can be a daunting prospect if you’ve grown comfortable with one individual’s style of working. While you search for a new CPA because you were left with a retired CPA, here are 3 things business owners have considered to help their businesses succeed.

Team driven

Working with a seasoned team can help take your business to the next level. At CAPATA, our growth is driven internally, through fostering an environment of promotion from within to drive longevity in our client relationships. All projects are assigned to a team of experts that each bring in different added value. This ensures each client is getting the best-desired outcome, from minimizing taxes to catching financial errors on bookkeeping records.

Not only do our team members have the high-level expertise of working in the Big 4 but they are committed to ongoing training to keep up with new tax laws and strategies. Choosing a CPA who has experience working with clients like you, and understands how tax laws affect your industry, plays a huge role in getting the results you are looking for.


At CAPATA we have worked diligently to create, improve, and implement a process that ensures that each client is getting the most value from our partnership. With our team, we have implemented a three-tiered process workflow.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Tax Preparer- junior CPA prepares the return
  2. Tax Manager- senior CPA reviews the prepared return and revises to ensure all strategies are used
  3. One of our firm’s Partners reviews all material to ensure all approaches have been used to the client’s maximum benefit

This system of tax preparation guarantees several layers of reviews to ensure that you have a complete and accurate return, as well as multiple sets of trained eyes to guarantee that we are minimizing taxes and implementing tax strategy.

Customized Approach

Our success is predicated upon the value we provide to our clients in helping them achieve their goals. No two clients are the same. With our wide range of services, we understand that using a custom approach to every project we work on- and every client we work with- is crucial to getting you to the next level. For 30 years, we have supported business leaders and high net worth families with the peace of mind that money can rarely buy.

Why Us?

Deciding on a new CPA is not an easy task, particularly if you’ve had a longstanding relationship with a CPA who has come to feel almost like family.

What we offer you is the assurance that a team of professionals will be working with you throughout the year, not just at tax time. Your financial concerns don’t abruptly stop when tax time ends, and our team will be there if you have questions about any aspect of your finances. Allowing us to take care of your tax matters means that more than one professional reviews your file and that ensures no mistakes or oversights slip by.

Having a team in your corner makes solid, smart business sense. If your retired CPA is gone and you are looking for a new one find a new team that give you the confidence to take your company to the next level. Contact us here at CAPATA today!

CAPATA is a full-service accounting firm located in Laguna Niguel in southern California.

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