6 Fundamentals to Make Your Sales Thrive


Sales and marketing go hand-in-hand. If you don’t have a solid marketing plan, how will you increase sales? To ensure your company’s sales are thriving, consider implementing these six steps into your marketing plan.

1. Keep all your products and services at the forefront. Oftentimes, clients will get stuck on a few products or services that are supplied by a business. A goal of your marketing team and plan should be to ensure your customers know everything your company provides. If this step is missed, it can limit your overall sales.

2. Differentiate your company from competitors. Your marketing plan should stress how your company can give customers value through your products and services that others can’t. Your sales will be greatly improved if clients are convinced your company will give them exactly what they need. Don’t neglect to observe your competitions’ marketing strategies and incorporate an appropriate response.

3. Budgeting your marketing department. To see if other competitors are outspending or underspending your company, you can use industry data. You can get this information through publicly available data or competitive intelligence. This will help you create a baseline for your own marketing budget. If you’re spending too little on marketing, this can hurt your sales.

4. Research other markets. Your marketing department should be researching other types of clients than the ones you currently serve. This should be done systematically and meticulously. As your team discovers new markets, you can adjust you marketing plan and give your sales team training on how to most effectively thrive in this new area.
5. Bringing in new clients. As well as keeping your current clients happy, your marketing plan should include ways to bring in new customers. Your sales and marketing team need to work together in order to be successful in reaching new clients.
6. Revising your marketing plan. Don’t make the mistake of sticking to one marketing plan. Even though it is hard work to develop an effective marketing plan, the marketplace is constantly changing. Your team should meet regularly to update your plan based on metric and sales reports and keep increasing your sales.
Contact us to help you with the analytical data that will allow you to understand, trace, and pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses within your marketing plan and and increase sales.

CAPATA is a full-service accounting firm located in Laguna Niguel in southern California.